Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This term room 7 and eight have been making stop motion lego and plasterscene animations on I can animate. We are also having a competition for who can get the most views on youtube check out my groups. By Jack Benjamin and Robbie

Monday, August 29, 2011


This term  are class have been making animations.Room 7 and 8 are having a competition for what group can make the best animation you can also view this on you tube so we get more views.Benjamin and Robbie are in my group.

The adventures of potato chip and onion dip-part 2

''Is that the best you've got". Hot Chip went red in the face the nacho cheese that was covering him was melting. He wriggled free. ''Dad shoot them again" said Chip. We will search for him in the morning. When Chip woke up his Dad was all redy geared up with all of the latest technology .''Let's go" he said.

They jumped in the car and drove into town. ''Where are we going to look first?" asked chip .''We will check Mcdonalds first" added Chip's dad. They finally arrived at Mcdonalds . ''This looks like the place". The sign on the window said HOT CHIPS AVAILBLE. They walked inside and asked a worker if they could talk to the boss of the restaurant.He led them to the bosses office. There hung Onion


Thursday, August 11, 2011

The adventures of potato chip and his side kick onion dip

Once upon a time in a little town called Foodsville there were these two boys called Potato Chip and Onion Dip they were both Kiwiana.

One day they were walking down the road and a cow blew up.''Oh No it's Hot Chip and his side kick Tomato Sauce" said Onion Dip.

They sent their evil minuns to fight them because they were to hungry so they sat down and had some hot chips and tomato sauce.

Mean while Chip and Dip were fighting the evil minuns.

''We will meet again" shouted Hot chip and he blasted off with his sidekick.

''When is again?" said dip I don't know.

So they just walked back home to their doughnut house and had some afternoon tea.

Later that night dip had a sleep over at chips house. As they went to bed they heard a little creek it sounded like the window was opening ''What is that asked chip worried?".

Then they heard an evil laugh.''Oh no it's hot chip and his sidekick again"

As the boys tried to escape from the room tomato sauce squirted a hunk of sticky tomato sauce at them so there feet were stuck to the floor.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Mr Nacho Cheese (Hot chips dad)came blasting in with his nacho cheese ray shooting every moving food in the room of course apart from chip and dip.

part 2 coming out next month